Top 5 Disability Conditions Most Commonly Approved for SSDI Benefits

Top 5 Disability Conditions SSDI

In 2020, about 65 million Americans will receive over one trillion dollars in Social Security Benefits. 

Disabled workers and their dependents account for 14.5% of total benefits paid.

To be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, you are required to show evidence that you have a disability that prevents you from working. Evidence commonly includes: 

  • Medical reports that confirm that you have a severe physical or mental disability.
  • Evidence that the disability is life-threatening or has lasted (or be expected to last) at least 1 year.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers financial aid programs to all citizens with eligible disabilities. However, many individuals are unsure about which conditions are most likely to qualify and do not seek the help they deserve.

When deciding to apply for help, it’s important to know what conditions are likely to qualify. Here are the top 5 most common medical conditions that are likely to be approved for Social Security disability benefits:

1: Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)

Degenerative Disc Disease is one of the most common medical conditions submitted to the SSA. To be approved for SSDI, you are required to prove that your condition has progressed to a point where it prevents you from working. The SSA requires that you are receiving regular treatment from a Medical Doctor and/or Osteopath and have sufficient medical records to support your claim.   

2: Arthritis

In most cases, if you can prove that an arthritic condition prevents you from sitting for six hours per day, walking or standing for up to two hours per day and that you cannot lift ten pounds due to your condition then you will likely be approved.

3: Cancer

Qualifying for SSDI benefits can be straightforward for some aggressive cancers (ie. pancreatic, liver, thyroid and esophageal cancers). For others, you’ll need to provide evidence that the symptoms and/or treatment make you unable to work. Cancers that are inoperable, that have recurred after treatment, or that spread to other places are eligible for disability benefits.

4: Parkinson’s Disease

If you have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, the symptoms which prompted the diagnosis are typically the qualifications needed to receive SSDI benefits. You will be asked to provide medical records along with a neurological examination. Diagnostic criteria most commonly required by the SSA include rigidity, bradykinesia, or tremors that cause ongoing issues with movement, gait, or ability to stand.

5: Paralysis

Many medical conditions can result in paralysis—including strokes, damage to the spinal cord, nerve damage, accidental injuries and reactions to medications. To be eligible for benefits you will need medical records proving that the injury/medical condition has caused nerve root compression. Your medical records should document any pain, loss of motion, reduced muscle control and/or strength as well as any other specific challenges due to the paralysis (reflexes, sensation, etc).

If you have an extremely severe medical condition you can check if you qualify for expedited SSDI consideration through the Compassionate Allowance initiative.

If you are interested in getting approved for Social Security Disability Benefits, and speak to someone that can help you apply, click the button below and complete the quick 30 second form now. We hope to help you receive the benefits you deserve

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