Social security Disability claim
Having a disability can result in devastating outcomes for an individual and their family. Not only is there a physical and emotional impact, but in many cases a person is unable to continue working – losing their income and ability to afford essentials like food...
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Top 5 Disability Conditions SSDI
In 2020, about 65 million Americans will receive over one trillion dollars in Social Security Benefits.  Disabled workers and their dependents account for 14.5% of total benefits paid. To be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, you are required to show evidence that...
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Maximize Social Security Retirement Benefit
Social Security is a part of the retirement plan for almost every American worker and provides the majority of income to most elderly Americans. As of June 2020, over 64 million US citizens (approximately 1 in every 6 Americans) collected Social Security benefits.  The maximum...
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SSDI and Stimulus Checks
The CARES Act, which included a first round of stimulus check payments in April 2020, saw the US government pay out over $2 trillion in cash payments to Americans. Top negotiators on Capitol Hill continue to make the case for another stimulus relief bill that...
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What Does a Disability Attorney Do?
Studies have shown that individuals who are represented by a lawyer when applying for SSDI benefits are three times more likely to have their disability claim approved. Whether you’re filing a disability claim, appealing a denied claim, or filing for reconsideration, a qualified disability attorney...
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