When To Apply For An Increase On Your Social Security Benefits or Supplemental Security Income

It is the goal of Social Security services to meet the ongoing changes needed by Americans. With that said, it’s not unusual for the circumstances of a current beneficiary to change as they get older and life goes on.

If you or someone in your family currently receives Social Security or Supplemental Security Income, specific life changes could allow you to qualify for an increase in federal benefits.

The easiest way to determine whether or not you may be eligible for an increase in benefits is by visiting the Social Security website and using the Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool (BEST).

Here are some of reasons you could qualify for an increase now:

  • You are receiving Social Security Benefits or Supplemental Security Income and have served in the military in the past
  • Your spouse or ex-spouse has died
  • You are receiving Medicare benefits based on your work that includes at lest 10 years of earnings where you paid Social Security taxes
  • Your adult child who was helping to support you dies
  • You are receiving benefits solely on your spouse’s work
  • You are receiving benefits based on your parent’s work
  • You are currently not married but formerly married for 10 years or more
  • Your child is entitled to Social Security benefits based on your spouse’s work
  • Your income has declined or you have experienced a loss of financial resources

If any of the above applies to you, make sure to reach out to your local Social Security office or legal representative to see what you are entitled to receive immediately. They will be able to help you get the benefits you deserve.

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