What Conditions Automatically Qualify For Disability Benefits In 2025?

Disability Claim

What conditions automatically qualify for disability benefits? The short answer is that all individuals must be assessed before they qualify. Read on to find out whether you are eligible.

Assessment By A Social Security Administrator (SSA)

All individuals will be assessed by an SSA to see if you are eligible to receive social security disability (SSD) benefits. They will use their ‘Bluebook’ of conditions to establish whether you should quality. Conditions are broken down into subcategories, some examples of which can be found below.

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Conditions like inflammatory arthritis, severe curvature of the spine, paralysis due to spinal damage, and soft tissue injuries like burns.

Neurological Or Mental Disorders

Any conditions that impact the brain, like epilepsy, or can affect motor function. Mental disorders are also a separate category of condition and include severe depression and anxiety.

Cardiovascular Disorders

Heart conditions and any disorders that impact the circulatory system. This might include heart failure or disorders of the veins and capillaries that impact your eyes, kidneys and other organs.

If an assessment determines you have one or more of these conditions you will be called as having a severe impact on your daily life, and should qualify for disability benefits in 2024. However, you will still need to submit an application that outlines how your condition impacts your daily life. 

What If My Condition Is Not On The List?

If you don’t have a condition that sits in the bluebook, that doesn’t mean you won’t receive disability benefits. However, you will need to provide evidence of a diagnosis that severely and medically impacts your life. You will need to submit proof that your condition has symptoms or impairments that significantly affect your ability to complete tasks on a daily basis.

Can Anything Impact My Application?

The average final award rate for social security applications from 2010-2019 was 31%. This indicates that a number of issues can affect whether you are considered eligible or not. The two most common scenarios are:

Error In Application

If you fail to submit all paperwork in support of your application, or fill out information incorrectly, your application may be denied. That’s why it’s important to make sure you, or a qualified advisor, carefully fills out your information before you submit.

Medically Ineligible

In certain circumstances, your medical diagnosis may rule you out as eligible for receiving disability benefits. That’s why it’s essential to submit a full list of symptoms and impairments and accurately document how they impact your quality of life.

Get Support

You may have a condition that makes it more difficult to submit your application, or you may simply be at a loss as to how to start the process. Thankfully, you don’t need to apply for disability benefits on your own.

At National Disability Benefits, we help Americans apply for Social Security Disability Benefits. We’re here to help you get the benefits you deserve. Get a case evaluation for free. Just click here and fill out our 1-minute form to see how much you could receive!

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